Saturday, December 31, 2022

Auld Lange Syne 2022

In a matter of hours another year will come to a close. Technically, every minute of every day can mark the end of one year and the start of the next, but a good chunk of the world celebrates the end of the Gregorian calendar year on December 31 and the start of a new one on January 1.

Last year for Christmas Mark gave me a daily calendar titled "Change Your Fortune" and through the 365 days of 2022, I tore off and saved the daily messages that meant something to me. I saved a total of 97 pages. Roughly, that is one saved message for every 3-ish messages. Tonight I gathered all 97 and randomly chose 4. I chose them from the back blank side, so as I type this I have no idea what I chose. So, I'll turn them over, one by one, and document why I saved this message.

1. Monday, December 12, 2022: Stop viewing yourself in terms of others.                                              Ouch. Well, no point in dipping my toe in the emotional, self-disclosure pool. I'm jumping right in! I am a Taurus and carry the trait of generosity which that sign affords. I am also a desperate people-pleaser. If you're not happy/pleased/satisfied, there has to be something I can do to fix it and make sure you're happy/pleased/satisfied. If I can't, then I have failed. This is my constant inner-dialogue. How you feel about me is how I feel about myself. If you're disappointed, I'm disappointed. If the gift I give isn't wrapped to perfection, not only have I failed, but I am a failure. I make progress on overcoming this mindset, take a few steps back, then move forward again.

2. Tuesday, July 26, 2022: When you find yourself with 5 spare minutes, don't reach for your phone.                                                                                                                                                      HA HA! I refused to have a cell phone for many years until I required one for work sometime around mid-2017. My reasons for not having a cell phone revolved around my need for personal, unreachable time. I called cell phones "leashes" that I didn't need to be connected to, 24/7. I never had kids who needed to reach me for an emergency. I reasoned that I had an answering machine at home and voicemail at work, a home and a work email address, so if someone needed to reach me for an emergency, I would have access to one of these ways to contact me within a reasonable amount of time after said emergency. What I didn't realize is all of the other cool stuff cell phones can do. I've had a personal cell phone since early June 2019 because when I left my job that required and provided a cell phone, I missed it. I missed checking Facebook while in the drive-thru line at McDonalds. I missed checking my emails in between clients when I started working for Veterans Assistance Foundation. So I bought my own iPhone because that's what I was used to using and now check my text messages, emails, local news app, Messenger, and voicemails throughout the course of any day. Now, I'm hooked. And I freely admit it.

3. Thursday, December 1, 2022: Don't edit or judge while you are creating. Just create. The time for evaluation will come.                                                                                                                           I saved this one as part of my developing writing regimen. I'm trying to become more disciplined in my writing habits and this includes turning off my internal editor and just letting whatever needs to come out, come out. There will be time later for my internal editor to critique it, but that time isn't while I'm trying to create. 

4. Wednesday, March 2, 2022: Don't allow yourself to exist strictly on paper.                                        I struggle with this because part of me is desperate to exist on paper, as long as that paper is published, preferably with a photograph. However, I know I am so much more dimensional than existing on a one-dimensional sheet of paper. I am loud, opinionated, thoughtful, accessible, peaceful, willing, expansive, open, and determined. That creates a multi-dimensional being. If you think you know me, but don't know that about me, then you don't know me. I will be the first to acknowledge that I'm an enormous contradiction, but that makes me particular and not unquestionable. I am not a predictable assumption. If you think you know me, and know that about me, then you know me.

I will close with some versus not as popular as the first verse of Auld Lange Syne, because, my old friends, these verses have reflected the last year and likely years to come, but we will always take a cup of kindness and raise a drink to reminiscing as only old friends can do.

We two have paddled in the stream,
from morning sun till dine;
But seas between us broad have roared
since auld lang syne.

And there's a hand my trusty friend!
And give me a hand o' thine!
And we'll take a right good-will draught,
for auld lang syne.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

My Life with Roe

Last Friday evening, after I finished working, I checked the news on my cell phone and learned that SCOTUS had overturned Roe v Wade. I clicked on a story that showed a map of the United States of America, individual states in various colors representing what the new abortion laws were there. I clicked on Wisconsin and read that abortion was now illegal in my home state.

I have been agonizing on how to process and address this personal impact since. I’ve never had an abortion, but from February 1994 to the end of September 1996, I assisted in them. Likely hundreds of them. From week 8 to the end of week 21. I’ve attempted to write about it in meaningful and thought-provoking ways. This morning, I finally said to myself, “Fuck it, Kristine. You’re a storyteller. Just tell your story.”

In early February 1994 I interviewed for a position at an OBGYN’s office in Milwaukee that offered elective abortions as part of his solo practice. The position was to provide the mandated information to women seeking an abortion, complete simple lab tests typing the pregnant women’s blood type, start IV lines for those patients who chose to be consciously sedated during the medical procedure, assist the doc during the procedure, care for women in the recovery room post-op, and provide aftercare information before they were discharged.

The only thing that qualified me for this position is that I had graduated in May 1993 with a BA in Women’s Studies. When I moved home from Boston, I applied at every abortion provider I could find in the Appleton Yellow-Pages. Mostly they were clinics that provided abortions on certain days of the week with a rotation of doctors performing the abortions. About a week after interviewing, I was offered a job at the Wisconsin Women’s Health Care Center, the solo practice of an MD whose name I won’t print for fear of not remembering everything that happened during my tenure there and being accused of liable. Another reason I won’t print his name is that after being hired in February 1994, by Labor Day Weekend of the same year, we started an affair. I was miserable in my first marriage as he was in his second. I remember that Saturday when he asked me to come into his office before the staff arrived for the day as if it was yesterday.

I sat across from him at his desk. He said another co-worker had told him the night before that I “had a crush on him.” I immediately started backtracking anything I had said while very drunk the night before with two co-workers. He interrupted me and said, “But I feel the same way about you.”

Our separate marriages began the separation and eventual divorce processes in early September. Mine was much simpler because we had only been married since December 4, 1993, and the divorce was finalized in the fall of 1995. His was a complicated nightmare that is his private business, but eventually he too was divorced.

I can’t remember the exact chronology of the following events, but I’m giving it my best shot here.

He had been estranged from his entire family because of his second wife’s demands. He had taken her last name when they married. By Christmas 1994 I had talked to him enough about how much his parents and his younger brother and his family would want to hear from him. It had been years since they last spoke. His family lived in Montana, although they were originally from Colorado. His father and brother ran a family-owned electrician company, and his mother and daughter-in-law ran their cherry orchard. During the next cherry season his mother FedEx’d fresh cherries to my parents and my Grandma Krause who made cherry pies, cherry tortes, and we all ate the cherries by the handful. My grandmother said she had never baked with such good quality cherries and my mother will rave about them if you ask her about them to this day.

He and his family decided he should fly to see them alone at their reconciliatory visit. I was in total agreement. It was bound to be awkward enough without some young woman, 13 years his junior there standing in the way. While he was gone, the very active and very vocal anti-choice movement in Milwaukee listed him in the top three of their “hit list” which encouraged any anti-choice advocate to “do whatever it took” to prevent him from killing one more unborn child. While he was in Montana the U.S. Department of Justice contacted him with instructions on how he was going to return to Milwaukee. There were going to be to two U.S. Marshals on his flights from Kalispell, MT to Milwaukee. They would not make their identity known to anyone. When he touched down in Milwaukee, he was the last to deplane and another two U.S Marshalls were going to meet him at the terminal, drive him to a special location to pick up his luggage which would be pulled from the general luggage that went down to the arrival’s carousel, and follow the two of us back to the house we shared on a private lake in Waukesha County. For at least the next two weeks we would have two heavily armed U.S Marshalls with us 24/7.

When he finally walked down the jetway into the airport terminal I ran to him and was immediately tackled by both Marshalls. They knew his girlfriend was waiting for him and providing transportation back to our house, but apparently, they didn’t have an exact description of me and as they were charged to protect him, they took me down like a helpless lamb in a field of wolves. Upon confirmation I was who he and I said I was, I rode with them in an enormous black SUV with windows so darkly tinted I couldn’t see anything. We picked up his luggage and he drove his black Jeep Cherokee back to the house in Waukesha County, closely followed by the Marshalls who were going to spend the night armed and awake in our living room. At roughly 2am I was thirsty and had to walk past them sitting in my living room, watching TV, while I walked to the kitchen, grabbed a soda, then walk past them as I re-entered our bedroom.

He had to explain their presence in the office to the rest of the staff the next morning. One of them sat in the waiting room from 6:30am until the last patient of the day left, usually around 4:30pm. The other sat in the “lab” which was where the staff hung out between patients, where instruments were washed and sterilized in the autoclave, where the list of patients and their status during the day was written on a white board, where the doc completed his charting, and where the doc checked for the completed removal of products of conception to ensure that there weren’t portions of the pregnancy left behind which could cause serious infection and other complications. Both Marshalls were always inconspicuously heavily armed. We couldn’t go out to dinner. We couldn’t go to the homes of his friends. We had sex with them listening on the other side of a closed bedroom door twenty feet away.

Christmas 1995 we put up a tree in one of two floor-to-ceiling windows on either side of the two-door entry of our house. Before we left to spend the holiday at my parents’ house, we opened presents under the tree. By 7am there was a group of protestors on the opposite side of the street across from our house, hoisting anti-choice signs and chanting distorted versions of tradition Christmas carols all the while.

They protested in front of other employees’ residences as well, but at Christmas and Easter they appeared to be focused on our house. One time while our groceries at the local grocery store were being bagged, someone from the anti-choice movement recognized us and began yelling at the young man bagging our groceries, spouting that he was going to hell for assisting “a baby killer” by putting eggs and frozen pizza in brown paper bags.

By far the scariest reminder of how at risk our lives were was his decision to wear a bullet proof vest to and from the office every day. Since I started working there, I knew that the doc wore one, but once we became involved, he really wanted me to wear one as well. I refused. In my idyllic 23–24-year-old mind, I didn’t think I was invincible, but it was more about my sheer stubbornness that fought against every instinct to wear one. Around the time when the U.S. Marshalls were protecting us, I answered the main office phone and a man on the other end of the line said, “You are baby killers who soon will be killed” or something along that theme. The FBI came to the office and I remember sitting down in a private office with the agent who, when he showed me his badge and photo ID that I barely scanned when he held it in front of me said, “Ma’am, I really need you to look at my ID and badge and understand that I’m an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation” it was yet another way Roe v Wade infiltrated my life.

When I started working for this MD, I would shout back at the protestors who were shouting at me, the rest of the staff, and at the patients from the sidewalk in front of the office parking lot. It became very personal and very scary once the doc and I became romantically involved. Armed U.S. Marshalls ordered to serve where I worked? Ordered to observe and protect me? Trying to drown out the Christmas Day protestors at my home by turning up the volume of Jazz to the World? Wearing a bullet proof vest to work?

Yeah, I have a part of my life that was impacted by Roe v Wade in ways most Americans, who support a woman’s right to choose, could never even imagine. Sometimes I wonder how I ended up in that situation. Then I remember I fell in love with a doctor who felt even stronger than I did that every woman has the right to a safe, legal abortion. 

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Congenital Spinal Stenosis of Lumbar Region and Radiofrequency Ablation scheduled for 8am June 6, 2022

Back and neck pain can be very frustrating whether the cause is muscular, nerve, or skeletal. I know that sounds lamely simplistic, but no matter how many fancy adjectives I could use to describe it, if you have had or are currently experiencing it, those fancy adjectives don’t matter because pain is just pain. I now use a cane if I must walk a long distance which is relative because for me walking to and from the living room to the kitchen can sometimes qualify as “a long distance.” Standing is even worse. There are days I can’t stand for more than 10 minutes without my lower back seizing up and requires me to sit down immediately. Last year at this time I was enjoying cooking almost nightly, but right now I just can’t tolerate it.

In August 2017, throughout the course of one random day, my lower back tightened up like a vise was squeezing the muscles on both sides of my spine. I was hunched forward; my gait was shuffling. This was the first time I had a lumbar MRI and it was jaw dropping.

When I saw my OBGYN for a hysterectomy in November 2017, she brought up the scans and said, “After you take care of this, you need to take care of that” pointing at the computer screen with the MRI scans glowing. When an OBGYN can look at an MRI scan of a spine and see the problems happening within it, that’s got to be serious because really, how many times do OBGYNs look at spinal MRIs? This was when I and all of my medical doctors learned I was born with a spinal canal, the tube of fluid in which the spinal cord, vertebra, discs, and nerves call home, that was narrower than the average diameter of a spinal canal. This accounted for the severe pain because my nerves were being crowded, discs were herniated and bulging, and bones that shouldn’t be touching each other were doing just that.

I completed physical therapy and had a steroid injection under fluoroscopy so my physiatrist could place medicine in between the back side of two lumbar vertebrae and then guide the tube with medication through my pelvic bone and place medicine in the front side too. Within two weeks, it was if none of the pain, strain, agony, and doubt had never happened. It was a miracle.

With that congenital deformity of my spinal canal, I was told to be prepared for worsening problems the original MRI showed, especially as I aged.

I saw my new Nurse Practitioner in July 2021. This was a random physical to establish care in Green Bay. A Rheumatoid Factor was ordered as part of the lab work and the result was slightly elevated. The whole healthcare system in Green Bay appears to be based on “referrals”. My NP had to “put in a referral” for me to see a Rheumatologist who eventually “put in a referral” for me to be seen by Neurology/Pain Management. Referrals weren’t part of my medical process at all when I lived in Menasha. My experience with them in Green Bay is that “referrals” are something that just eats up time, making it longer before you can make an appointment to see another doctor.

My new Rheumatologist looked at my 2017 MRI and ordered another. This is when the process leading up to my Radiofrequency Ablation tomorrow, 06/06/22, began.

New lumbar and cervical spine MRIs. I tried to circle the  areas of greatest concern  in my lower back in red, but my tech skills limit me from doing so.

I learned a whole bunch of new anatomy and physiology terms such as “ligamentum flavum thickening”, “cauda equina nerve roots”, and “posterior epidural lipomatosis” after this MRI.

        1.     Ligamentum flavum thickening causes stress placed on the spine; the thicker it becomes, the higher the risks of compressing the spinal cord or spinal nerves

2.     Cauda equina nerve roots are nerve roots from L2, lumbar disc 2 in the lumbar spine down to Co1 in the coccygeal (tailbone spine)

3.     Posterior epidural lipomatosis is excessive accumulation of fat (that has nothing to do with my diet, it’s not that kind of fat) in the spinal epidural space resulting in compression of the thecal sac 

                 a.      Thecal sac is the outer covering of the spinal cord

b.     Spinal epidural space is the area between the dura matter (membrane) and the vertebral wall; space located just outside the dural sac which surrounds the nerve roots and is filled with cerebrospinal fluid

Again, I tried marking where I’m having the nerve ablation, which is where the doc will burn off the nerve endings with the goal of ending pain in these areas of my lower back but due to tech issues on my part I can't show it.

Areas I wanted circled in red are arthrosis of the bilateral facet joints:

1.     Facet joints: located at the back of the spinal column; there are two facet joints between each pair of vertebrae, one on either side of the spine; a facet joint is made of small, bony knobs that line up along the back of the spine

2. Arthrosis: when cartilage and capsules containing fluid attached to the facet joints wears down over time or becomes damaged, the facet joints may rub against other spinal bones or joints

Am I scared about tomorrow’s procedure? Fuck yeah I am. Despite all the medical understanding, descriptions, necessity and low risk for complications, my doc will still be burning off the end of little nerves inside my spine. That’s not natural. It is, however, necessary if I want some longer-term pain relief than what physical therapy and trigger point injections have provided.

I would not be myself if I didn’t include this final image from my cervical spine MRI. It’s a front image of my neck…and there’s a brain in there! Always reassuring.

Friday, March 4, 2022

Where The Streets Have No Names

If you read my last post, you're aware I recently spent a week in Appleton because of Mark's thyroid cancer treatment. 

I spent 8 hours on the weekdays working from their basement, but I also spent a weekend there. I don't do well with unstructured time in general. Even during weekends at home in Green Bay, I must have a specific plan for running errands, spending time with people, scheduled miscellaneous appointments, plan on binge watching Netflix or Amazon Prime, or I tend to sleep an entire weekend away.

Another thing about staying at my parents' house is that I don't smoke cigarettes there. On average I smoke 3 cigarettes a day: an amount so hideously low, I frequently wonder why I even bother. Regardless, I got there late on a Tuesday and hadn't smoked until the following Saturday. My ruse was to take my car out and run the engine for a bit because it had been bitterly cold for a few days and my father is a firm believer in HEAT, a gas tank at least half full at ALL times, and driving an undriven car at least twice a week. So off I went.

At first I just started driving without any destination. As I was considering my options, I drove to the neighborhood that developed about a quarter of a mile north of the neighborhood I grew up in and where my parents still live. That land was all fields until I was about 10 years old and suddenly an entire neighborhood with streets named after apples appeared like magic. 

As a "tween" (a word not invented when I actually qualified for its definition), I was friends with a girl who lived on one of the apple themed streets. I drove past her house which had been painted or re-sided from a shade of green to light harvest gold. I kept going and went past the house where I babysat a toddler while in junior high and whom my sister babysat after I grew out of that particular career. 

I drove past the former home of one of my life-long sister-friends. Further down the same street I drove past the house of "the cello God" of my high school orchestra years.

I kept driving north and stopped at the building which is now a day care, but was my grade school from 1975 to 1982 (maybe 1983?). The center core of my grade school was one of the earliest grade schools in the Appleton Area School District and is on the National Registry of Historic Buildings (or something like that; don't Google it and get pissed off that I'm wrong) and is the only part of the original structure that remains. 

I spent some time swinging in the playground. When was the last time I spent time swinging?? The current swings are not the originals from my grade school years, but I vividly remember the black vinyl seats held up by heavy chains. After reaching the apex and swinging backwards, I would straighten my legs, throw my head back, close my eyes and get swept away in the glorious feeling of semi-weightlessness, aware of my hair ever so lightly dancing around my face in the breeze. What a wonderful time childhood can be.

Due to the amount of time that has passed since I last found myself in that physical state, I became nauseous rather quickly and dragged my feet, not in the mixture of sand and gravel of my youth to stop myself. All of the other outdoor gym equipment from my time there was gone, replaced by heavy plastic pieces instead of steel, the gravely sand replaced by an injury-reducing plastic/rubber material made of recycled water bottles. I remember when a part of the school playground flooded and froze every winter and we would slide across it in our tennis shoes during recess.

After around forty five minutes of "running the car engine" I returned to the original home I have ever known. My parents bought their house in May 1973 and have never lived anyplace else. That is rare. Granted, that structure has gone through innumerable outdoor and indoor re-vamps including the installation and removal of a 2400 square foot pool and deck, the addition of a four-seasons room off of the family room added around 1977-1978, and my own bedroom and living area added in the basement during the summer of 1987. That was a sweet set-up I doubt my parents anticipated. I had my own good-sized bedroom with a sink and vanity, the bar my parents installed in the early 1980s was there with my own small refrigerator and microwave, a living area with a daybed, several chairs, cable TV and a VCR. Through a door was the "laundry room" with a shower and toilet. Because the garage is connected to the house through a small landing, I (and everyone I knew) could come in through the garage, head straight downstairs and live there for weeks without ever seeing anyone I was related to. That's exactly how I spent most of my senior year in high school.

That street, however, does have a name. It's North Lynndale Drive.

Monday, February 28, 2022

Mark's Cancer Story (from my perspective)

I've received so many inquiries about Mark's thyroid cancer and his treatment, that I just want to create this one post to explain when this process started, how it started, and what his treatment has been so far.

In late December 2021 Mark went for an annual physical with his PCP (primary care provider). His MD felt something larger than a normal sized thyroid gland in his neck. Simple blood work indicated that his thyroid hormones were working a lot harder than is within the normal range (hyper thyroidism) for production of thyroid hormones. He had a thyroid biopsy which was positive for thyroid cancer 

At that point he was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and he was scheduled for thyroid removal on 01/19/22. He spent one night at AMC (Theda Clark Appleton or whatever it's called now). With no food or ice chips, his surgery was delayed by 8 hours (they got him into the OR around 5pm when we showed up at the surgery center at 9am as was scheduled). 

He was discharged on 01/20/22. I picked him up and we drove back to Green Bay. He had a thick scar in the center of his neck. During his first follow up appointment his surgeon gave him the news that he would start a low-iodine diet, have injections on 02/21/22 and 02/22/22, and on 02/23/22 he would swallow a really large radiation pill. Because he could throw off residual radiation, Apollo and I had to bug out after I was done with work on 02/22/22 and spend a week in Appleton. Mark had to spend the week in isolation: no visitors, no grocery shopping, no getting gas for the car, no going through a car wash; zero contact with anyone.

Because my parents are who they wonderfully are, they spent 02/16/22 through 02/20/22 preparing food that was low-iodine from the website (or something similar to that). My dad dropped off a week's worth of meals on 02/21/22 when he picked up Apollo for our stay in Appleton. 

I packed up all of my work computers, monitors, cables and cords after I was done working on 02/22/22. I packed a bag with clothes, shoes, toiletries, my iPhone, ear pods, and my own laptop with various cords for the week I would spend working from my parents basement. Upon my arrival my dad helped me haul everything into the house and we carried my work equipment piece by piece to the basement where I could plug into their router and set up all my monitors, keyboards, headset and mouse. Mom had dinner ready for me after the work install. I've had breakfast, lunch and dinner prepared for me everyday sine I arrived which is pretty sweet after trying to follow Mark's low-iodine diet for two weeks.

Today, Monday 02/28/22, Mark had a follow up appointment with his MD. As of the time of this post I haven't heard how the appointment went. Tomorrow, 03/01/22, after work my dad and I will take my work stuff piece by piece up from the basement and put it in the same box I hauled it down in to Appleton. Tomorrow morning I will pack my clothes, toiletries, electronics and books I thought I would have time to read in my tote bag and satchel so once my work stuff is packed and ready, Apollo and I can leave Appleton and return to Green Bay.

I know how scary a cancer diagnosis can be. Mark wasn't "available" when I had my first skin cancer treatment. He was living at a place in IL called Freedom Farm for AODA treatment. When I had an abnormal mammogram in December 2012, he was there, but he wasn't, mostly by my choice. 

Despite my "attention seeking behavior" which I've heard from a dozen therapists through the course of my life, individual, personal medical crises are something I choose to navigate on my own. I don't know why; maybe I don't want to be a burden to anyone? Whatever the reason, I've gone through some significant health matters without the support of my husband. Empathy isn't his greatest strength and I know that so I will downplay my medical stuff with him and seek support elsewhere; i.e., my parents, friends, and coworkers.

Mark is similar in that he doesn't disclose a lot about any medical treatment he needs. I have no idea what he was injected with on 02/21/22 and on 02/22/22. I have no idea what his appointment today was for. Part of that is because Mark doesn't ask a lot of clarification questions because he doesn't want to know the extent of what's going on with him medically, and part of it is because he doesn't understand medical lingo and he won't ask questions to satisfy his understanding because he's embarrassed by the shear need to ask what everything means in layman's terms.

Tomorrow I will know more. Not necessarily the medical details of his follow up appointment from today, but it will be the information in Mark's own way of telling me. 

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Delivery Food, Glorious Delivery Food...?

One of the things I miss most about living in the Fox Valley, technically Menasha, is access to a significant number of restaurants that deliver good food. Really good Friday Fish Fries made with actual perch, local pizza, Chinese food, and Italian. Even if delivery wasn't an option, we were practically within walking distance of the usual fast food restaurants, and take out from Victoria's, one of our top 10 favorites, barely took 20 minutes round trip.

When we settled in Green Bay in the fall of 2019, eventually we wanted to try the take-out/delivery restaurant "scene". Remember this classic, from our first local delivery order:

This was the tilapia I ordered from a Mexican restaurant here. I'm still speechless. How was I supposed to eat this thing that, minus the breading, could have been caught on a fishing line an hour earlier? The spine and all those tiny fish bones are still in there. How was I supposed to navigate that? I don't have the skill set required to fillet and de-bone a fish. That's why I order it from restaurants people.

There have been a dozen mistakes with our orders since. Perkins has forgotten muffins, Dairy Queen forgot Mark's Peanut Buster Parfait (why would anyone order from Dairy Queen if it didn't include ice cream?), local restaurants near Lambeau Field have delivered hamburgers fried into hockey pucks. There's one restaurant close to Lambeau from where we ordered breakfast and my eggs benedict were not included. I called the restaurant and the person I talked to claimed to be the manager and said, "Stop in anytime and we'll give you the eggs benedict for free." Roughly three weeks later we stopped there for breakfast and the server and whoever was "in charge" that Sunday morning had no idea what I was talking about, and could not find any notes related to my allegedly free eggs benedict. I ordered something else, accepting that I will never get reimbursed the $13 I paid for the non-existent eggs nor will I ever get to eat the meal I am entitled to. 

Most recently we ordered from Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) for dinner last night, Friday 02/18/22. This is the confirmation text message I received:

Ok. This was good. We chose the delivery time of 6:45pm. Then at 6:31pm, I received this text message:

This was bad. Mark and I were expecting our meal within 15 minutes when I received this text message and I called the restaurant we had ordered from. I spoke with what sounded like a young woman and explained that I had just gotten a text that my order was cancelled and was wondering why. She said, "I'm sorry I can't really hear you. You're cutting in and out." I practically shouted, "Why was my order cancelled?" Employee: "What?? Your order cancelled? We ran out of chicken." One thing cell phones cannot provide is the satisfaction of slamming the phone receiver back into its cradle. I needed that. Instead all I could do was push the red disconnect button really hard with my thumb.

Yes, the ultimate irony: ordering chicken from Kentucky Fried CHICKEN only to be told they have run out of CHICKEN. If an item is in the very name of the restaurant, call me crazy, but I would assume that's the one food they would not run out of. Perhaps a more accurate name would then be, Kentucky Fried Sometimes-Chicken? Kentucky Fried (If We Don't Run Out) Chicken? The list could go on ad infinitum. 

To my absolute amazement, this morning I received an emailed customer satisfaction survey from KFC corporate headquarters. I tented my fingers, narrowed my eyes, and whispered gravely to myself, "Excellent" in the vain of Marty Burns. I was honest. Is it my fault that the correct response in every category was "Severely Disappointed"? No. I doubt I'll hear from them again, but if I should, I am prepared to relate this very story to them as well.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

To Sarah, With Love

One of my greatest joys is writing. Whether it's pen to paper, which may sound archaic, or fingers to keyboard, I love writing. When I'm writing for my blog or for a Storycatcher's submission, I can edit, and edit, and edit some more before I find my scribing worthy of posting or submitting. This can be a torturous process.

I'm a perfectionist by nature, although generally not one who reworks and tweaks my writing to the point where I miss a deadline or throw up my hands and say, "Fuck this. It's never going to be good enough." My perfectionism isn't paralyzing. It's more self-critical than anything. When I click "Publish" or "Send" I re-read what I've written and that's when the chorus of inner critics break into song in a minor key. They are very loud and very convincing. 

I'm trying to find a writing/storytelling/poetry group in Green Bay. So far I haven't been very successful. I found the storytelling group Storycatcher's based in Appleton through the website Earlier this evening I tried to find something similar in Green Bay with no success. If anyone reading this is aware of such a group, please message me via Facebook. 

We moved to Green Bay on Labor Day Weekend 2019 for my job. I have a cousin and her family that live in Green Bay, plus an aunt and uncle, two second cousins, one of whom died in the fall of 2021. I performed the smudging at her funeral ceremony which is a sacred honor that goes back multiple generations on the maternal side of our family, Native Americans of the Menominee Tribe. I've been told that our tribe's spirit animal is a bear which represents healing and helping others. The irony of my cousin being a nurse and me being a therapist is not lost on me. It's not really ironic, it's who we were meant to be, predetermined before any of us were born. That comforts me because I explored many different careers and jobs before it became clear to me that I needed to go to graduate school so I could be a counselor, a spiritual healer of sorts.

On the day of her passing, gathered family saw an eagle flying independent and free in the afternoon sky. Perhaps this was her spirit animal, free from illness, treatment and pain letting her family know she too was finally free from physical suffering. Years ago at a spiritual retreat I became aware that my spirit animal was a female eagle, powerful, independent, free, yet nurturing and loving to her young. When the day comes that I pass, I hope someone close to me sees that eagle soaring free, released from the human bonds of pain, hurt and suffering. Isn't that what we all hope for at our end? I think we do.